
百思不解 百思不解     2022-11-30     305


微软前几天在美国举办的一年一度Microsoft Ignite峰会上宣布 Windows 和 Mac 版 Office 2019 正式发布,可以说 Office 2019 是微软在过去 3 年中 Office 365 版新功能的打包版本,并且不会有未来的功能更新。
Office 2019 for Windows
Office 2019 for Mac

Office 2019 套件主要包括 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、Project、Visio、Access 和 Publisher。
Office 2019 新功能应该都很熟悉,有些功能甚至 Office 365 用户已用了多年,包括:
Office 全平台改进的墨迹 Inking 功能;
PowerPoint 2019 中的新的过渡动画 Morph 和 Zoom;
Excel 2019 中新的数据分析功能、新公式、图表和 PowerPivot 增强;
Word 2019 和 Outlook 2019 有改进的学习工具、专注模式、Focused Inbox 等。
Office 2019 也提供了新的 IT 管理功能,利用 Click-to-Run 技术来部署企业内的 Office 2019。

Exchange Server 2019
SharePoint Server 2019
Skype for Business 2019
Project Server 2019

另外Windows 10秋季更新1809也会马上发布,预计在10月2日左右,Build 17763,新功能主要包括:云剪贴板、黑色主题的 File Explorer、新截屏工具、Notepad 和 Edge 等内置应用大改进、Your Phone 支持、SwiftKey 输入法等。

Windows Server 2019
Announcing general availability in October
Hybrid: The move to the cloud is a journey. A hybrid approach, one that combines on-premises and cloud environments working together, is a core element of our customers’ modernization strategy. This is why hybrid is built in to Windows Server 2019 and Windows Admin Center. To make it easier to connect existing Windows Server deployments to Azure services, we built interfaces for hybrid capabilities into the Windows Admin Center. With Windows Admin Center and Windows Server 2019, customers can use hybrid features like Azure Backup, Azure File Sync, disaster recovery to extend their datacenters to Azure. We also added the Storage Migration Service to help migrate file servers and their data to Azure without the need to reconfigure applications or users.

Security: Security continues to be a top priority for our customers. With the security threats growing in number and becoming more and more sophisticated, we continue to keep a persistent focus on security. Our approach to security is three-fold: Protect, Detect, and Respond. We bring security features in all three areas to Windows Server 2019. On the Protect front, we had previously introduced Shielded VMs to protect sensitive virtualized workloads such as Domain Controllers, PCI data, sensitive healthcare, and financial data among others. In Windows Server 2019, we extended support of Shielded VMs to Linux VMs. On the Detect and Respond front, we enabled Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), that detects attacks and zero-day exploits among other capabilities. Windows Server 2019 also includes Defender Exploit Guard to help you elevate the security posture of your IT environment and combat ransomware attacks.

Application Platform: A key guiding principle for us on the Windows Server team is a relentless focus on the developer experience. We learned from your feedback, a smaller container image size will significantly improve experience of developers and IT Pros who are modernizing their existing applications using containers. In Windows Server 2019, we reduced the Server Core base container image to a third of its size. We also provide improved app compatibility, support for Service Fabric and Kubernetes, and support for Linux containers on Windows to help modernize your apps. A feedback we constantly hear from developers is the complexity in navigating environments with Linux and Windows deployments. To address that, we previously extended Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) into insider builds for Windows Server, so that customers can run Linux containers side-by-side with Windows containers on a Windows Server. In Windows Server 2019, we are continuing on this journey to improve WSL, helping Linux users bring their scripts to Windows while using industry standards like OpenSSH, Curl & Tar.

Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI): HCI is one of the latest trends in the server industry today. It is primarily because customers understand the value of using servers with high performant local disks to run their compute and storage needs at the same time. In Windows Server 2019, we democratize HCI with cost-effective high-performance software-defined storage and networking that allows deployments to scale from small 2-node, all the way up to 100s of servers with Cluster Sets technology, making it affordable regardless of the deployment scale. Through our Windows Server Software Defined program, we partner with industry leading hardware vendors to provide an affordable and yet extremely robust HCI solution with validated design.



微软正式发布AzureDevOpsServer2019的第一个版本,作为TeamFoundationServer(TFS)2018的升级版本和替代产品。这是目前市面上唯一一款将产品名称冠上DevOps的企业级软件研发平台产品。产品名称的变化,强化了微软在研发运维工具上的投... 查看详情


10月28日微软正式发布BizTalk第十个版本BizTalkServer2016,陆续发布了AzureVM镜像、MSDN版本、开发者版本等。以下为BizTalkServer2016新特性:平台升级虽然我认为是正常的版本协同,但是作为中间件产品对新平台的支持也是重中之重,只... 查看详情


原文: Introducing.NET5今天,我们宣布.NETCore3.0之后的下一个版本将是.NET5。这将是.NET系列的下一个重要版本。将来只会有一个.NET,您将能够使用它来开发Windows,Linux,macOS,iOS,Android,tvOS,watchOS和WebAssembly等等。我们将在.NET5... 查看详情


微软的首个虚拟化产品Hyper–V正式推出仅仅6个月,但是微软已经开始着手准备推出一个功能更加强大的升级版Hyper-V2.0(非正式名称)。据微软表示,Hyper-V2.0将会作为WindowsServer2008R2的一部分。WindowsServer2008R2是在去年10月份召... 查看详情




在移动为先,云为先的今天,微软为拥抱云文化的企业提供了技术和工具。利用创新且全面的移动解决方案和开发者工具,微软有独到之处,它帮助所有客户在云为先时代中发现潜在价值。正如希望加快云创新步伐的你们所期待... 查看详情


2016年3月30日:微软在Build2016开发者大会中发布“认知服务”。 在Build2016开发者大会中,微软发布了新的智能服务:微软认知服务(MicrosoftCognitiveServices)。该服务集合了多种智能API以及知识API。借助这些API,开发者可以开发... 查看详情


OfficeServer2019系列产品ExchangeServer2019SharePointServer2019SkypeforBusiness2019Office2019ExchangeServer2019PublicPreviewhttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=57167Version:15.02.0 查看详情


...00万新台币台积电计划建设6家7纳米技术工厂9月15日iPhone13系列即将推出欧盟反对英伟达收购ARM黑客曝光蓝牙芯片新漏洞&#x 查看详情


...彩内容来源|OSC开源社区Linux这几年发展之迅速,就连微软都在贡献Linux内核代码了。Linux6.1内核正式发布LinusTorvalds宣布Linux6.1内核系列正式发布!Linux6.1内核系列集成了改进的页面回收代码的多代LRU(MGLRU)、初始的Rust语言支... 查看详情


...彩内容来源|OSC开源社区Linux这几年发展之迅速,就连微软都在贡献Linux内核代码了。Linux6.1内核正式发布LinusTorvalds宣布Linux6.1内核系列正式发布!Linux6.1内核系列集成了改进的页面回收代码的多代LRU(MGLRU)、初始的Rust语言支... 查看详情


作者:微软首席产品官PanosPanay当PC在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色时,Windows11旨在让您更接近您所热爱的事物。Windows一直是世界创新的舞台。它是全球企业的基石,助力众多蓬勃发展的初创公司变得家喻户晓。网络在Wi... 查看详情


...新品发布会在北京正式召开。在发布会上,全新的黑鲨5系列游戏手机正式亮相,本次黑鲨5系列共有黑鲨5、黑鲨5Pro与黑鲨5RS三款不同产品。全新的黑鲨5系列游戏手机在外观设计、性能表现、操控体验、电池系统等方面再度进化... 查看详情


 二十年前的今天,微软正式发布VisualStudio97。如今二十年已经过去,微软宣布全新的VisualStudio2017即将在美国当地时间3月7日正式发布。VS97是VisualStudio系列的第一个版本,其中包括VisualStudio5.0,VisualC++5.0等老程序员熟知的内容... 查看详情


...ww.oschina.net/news/105629/vs2019-general-availability 如约而至,微软已于今天推出 VisualStudio2019正式版,一同发布的还有 VisualStudio2019forMac。VisualStudio2019下载地址:https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/VisualStudio2019forMac 下载地... 查看详情


...多新奇、创新的黑科技产品。虽然展会中英特尔、高通、微软等大公司占据人们最多的眼球,但来自中国的机器人技术及产品也一样受人瞩目。   思岚科技:以激光SLAM为核心的自主定位导航技术   在不确... 查看详情


原作者:ChrisDias原文:https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2021/10/20/vscode-dev翻译:韩老师+GoogleTranslate早在2019年,当.dev顶级域名开放时,我们赶紧注册了vscode.dev。像许多购买.dev域名的人一样,我们不知 查看详情


...一个点安装,等待安装完成即可。MicrosoftVisualStudio是美国微软公司的开发工具包系列产品。VS是一个基本完整的开发工具集,它包括了整个软件生命周期中所需要的大部分工具,如UML工具、代码管控工具、集成开发环境(IDE)等等... 查看详情