
author author     2023-01-03     214



We are excited to be part of Microsoft Ignite this year in Orlando, Florida. The HashiCorp and Microsoft partnership continues to extend and deepen so that we can offer our joint customers and users the best tools for building and running applications deployed on cloud infrastructure. Microsoft kicked off the conference with?updates to Azure Stack, mentioning the new HashiCorp Terraform providers that enable Kubernetes deployments. This blog contains product updates from the conference like that, as well as sessions that featured notable HashiCorp content.


Microsoft announced two major updates related to HashiCorp technology:

The first, as mentioned above, were the Terraform provider updates for deploying Kubernetes on Azure. Learn more about those provider updates?here.

The second, is the private preview for the Azure VM Image Builder, which is built on HashiCorp Packer. This tool allows you to build, customize, and deploy VM images. Plus, because the tool is built on Packer, you can import existing Packer shell provisioning scripts. Read?Microsoft‘s blog post?for more information.

Sessions at Ignite

HashiCorp is featured in a number of sessions throughout Ignite:

  • BRK2367?- Azure Stack Overview and Roadmap

This session will discuss Terraform integration with Azure and cover how Azure Stack fits in Microsoft hybrid cloud strategy, and product roadmap. The session showcases some solution patterns Microsoft has to get you up and running with Azure Stack quickly.

  • BRK3318?- Accelerate application development through open source frameworks and marketplace items

This session teaches how to leverage popular open source tools (including Terraform) to accelerate your application development.

  • BRK3306?- Cloud native Azure deployments with Terraform

This session will deep-dive on using Terraform to deploy and manage Azure-based solutions. It will also look at methods for integrating Terraform deployments into change management and DevOps practices and tooling.

  • THR3103?- Azure DevOps using Jenkins, Terraform, and Ansible

Made for those developing in Java, Node.js, Go, .NET, or any other language, this session starts with a tour of Azure integrations with Jenkins, Terraform, and Ansible. It shows how to use Jenkins for continuous integration/deployment (CI/CD) along with Terraform for provisioning and Ansible for configuration management in a toolchain targeting Kubernetes or Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS).

  • BRK3194?- Deploying containerized and serverless apps using Terraform with Kubernetes (AKS) and Azure Functions

This session, featuring HashiCorp’s Christie Koehler, shows how to provision Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters and Azure Functions using Terraform with the AzureRM provider. It also shows you how to use the generic Kubernetes provider for provisioning without interactively using kubectl. Plus, it teaches how to deploy containerized and serverless apps to Azure on top of the infrastructure provisioned by Terraform.

  • BRK3043?- Hybrid multi-cloud Infrastructure as Code using Terraform

This session is a deep dive into how to use Terraform across different clouds. This session describes how to build out Terraform infrastructure solutions using integrations with Visual Studio Code, CloudShell, Kubernetes, Kitchen, and Terraform Registry. Learn how you can contribute to the Azure Terraform community and influence Azure, whether you‘re a Terraform novice or a Go expert. It will also offer a guide on when to use ARM templates and Terraform.

  • BRK3266?- Automation tools for Azure infrastructure

Automation is a key to fully embrace what Microsoft Azure offers in a consistent and optimal manner. This session will walk through the benefits of different automation tools, including Terraform.

  • BRK3193?- Create and manage custom images using Azure Virtual Machine image template service

This session teaches you how you can use the Azure Virtual Machine image template service to build, customize, and distribute custom virtual machine images with a few simple calls managed by a service. Plus, it shows how you can integrate this in your existing CI/CD pipeline and get full RBAC and policy control on the image building and manage its lifecycle in future.

  • THR3102?- Accelerate CI/CD with custom VM images using the Azure Virtual Machine image template service

Similar to the previous session, this talk walks through using the Azure Virtual Machine image template service to build, customize, and distribute custom virtual machine images with a few simple calls managed by a service.


If you are attending Ignite, come by the Infrastructure as Code section to talk to HashiCorp engineers. To learn more about HashiCorp open source and Enterprise offerings, visit?https://www.hashicorp.com.


目录一、MicrosoftIgnite大会1.报名签到领伴手礼2.MicrosoftCloud推进企业数字化转型3.体验今年发布的新机型4.用心的离开伴手礼,线上挑战赢取免费考试认证机会二、参加北京CSDN创作者之夜一、MicrosoftIgnite大会2022年10月13日,... 查看详情


昨天HashiCorp突然发布一则消息,禁止在中国使用Vault软件的企业版本,官方申明是这样的:HashiCorp的解释是因为中国的出口管制的原因导致无法出售HASHICORP软件或者使用企业版的Vault。所以在没有取得HashiCorp书面协议的前提下,... 查看详情

Terraform (Hashicorp) 的不同环境

】Terraform(Hashicorp)的不同环境【英文标题】:DifferentenvironmentsforTerraform(Hashicorp)【发布时间】:2016-08-2813:37:33【问题描述】:我一直在使用Terraform来构建我的AWS堆栈并且一直很喜欢它。如果要在商业环境中使用,则需要将配置重... 查看详情


背景 go项目,使用glideinstall命令去下载安装依赖,依赖中有个github.com/hashicorp/consul 问题描述一直无法下载安装依赖成功,报错如下: [ERROR]Exportfailedforgithub.com/hashicorp/consul:Unabletoexportsource:exitstatus128[ERROR]Unable 查看详情


HashiCorp由MitchellHashimoto和ArmonDadgar于2012年创办,总部位于美国旧金山。HashiCorp致力于解决基础架构中的开发、维护及安全所面临的挑战。HashiCorp提供的Cloud和DevOps基础设施自动化工具,集开发、运营和安全性于一体,包括Vagrant、P... 查看详情

Hashicorp Vault 用于文件存储?

】HashicorpVault用于文件存储?【英文标题】:HashicorpVaultforfilestorage?【发布时间】:2016-04-2205:24:16【问题描述】:我希望保存大量相当大的文档,从1M到可能更大的多个数量级。我知道Hashicorp的Vault非常适合存放密钥和较小的值。... 查看详情

如何在 Hashicorp Terraform 中配置环境变量

】如何在HashicorpTerraform中配置环境变量【英文标题】:HowtoconfigureenvironmentvariablesinHashicorpTerraform【发布时间】:2019-07-2919:59:48【问题描述】:我对Terraform还很陌生,尽管我已经浏览了Hashicorp网站上提供的所有教学模块。目前,我... 查看详情


我都说疲惫了,以后大家记着微软每年的两次大会,Build和Ignite都会有相应的MicrosoftLearn挑战,完成对应的挑战即可获得免费的微软认证考试券,最近这段时间美元越来越贵了,另一个角度看,这个免费的... 查看详情


我都说疲惫了,以后大家记着微软每年的两次大会,Build和Ignite都会有相应的MicrosoftLearn挑战,完成对应的挑战即可获得免费的微软认证考试券,最近这段时间美元越来越贵了,另一个角度看,这个免费的... 查看详情



审计日志和 Vault Hashicorp 集群

】审计日志和VaultHashicorp集群【英文标题】:AuditlogandVaultHashicorpcluster【发布时间】:2022-01-1206:47:59【问题描述】:我正在尝试在我的3节点Vault集群中启用审核(无企业版)。我们有官方文档:vaultauditenablefilefile_path=/var/log/vault_au... 查看详情



如何在 HashiCorp nomad 环境中管理网络和存储?

】如何在HashiCorpnomad环境中管理网络和存储?【英文标题】:HowtomanagenetworkingandstorageinHashiCorpnomadenvironment?【发布时间】:2021-06-1723:07:31【问题描述】:我很好奇如果不想运行k8s,如何管理由nomad管理并在Docker主机上运行的容器(... 查看详情

Hashicorp Vault - 读取失败:解密失败:密码:消息身份验证失败

】HashicorpVault-读取失败:解密失败:密码:消息身份验证失败【英文标题】:HashicorpVault-readfailed:decryptionfailed:cipher:messageauthenticationfailed【发布时间】:2020-02-2609:48:37【问题描述】:刚刚安装了Vault,我现在正试图了解它是如何... 查看详情

无法通过浏览器访问在 Hashicorp Nomad 上运行的服务

】无法通过浏览器访问在HashicorpNomad上运行的服务【英文标题】:UnabletoaccessservicesrunningonHashicorpNomadviabrowser【发布时间】:2021-09-0213:41:37【问题描述】:我在我的MacOS上的Nomaddev上开始了两个Nomad工作,一个用于PostgreSQL,另一个... 查看详情

如何在生产中使用 Hashicorp Vault 的 AppRole?

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...;与此形成微妙对比的是,聚焦云基础设施的软件企业Hashicorp也在上周上市了,Hashicorp讲述的是多云故事,公司提供的软件可以帮助工程师在多个云中设置资源。而亚马逊则并不太提倡使用多个公共云的想法,它更... 查看详情


...的宇宙最强学习资源库吗?=>MicrosoftLearn<=MicrosoftIgnite2022期间,福利活动又来了!完成一项挑战即可获得一次免费的Microsoft认证考试机会有7种挑战可供选择,请选择适合你的挑战。挑战的结束时间是2022... 查看详情