
author author     2022-12-14     106


 > Updated 2019-06-05

# Chrome Extensions for Developers

Below is a list of Chrome extensions that I've found to be especially helpful for software development.  There's a section for **Chrome Extensions by Google**, and another section for **Chrome Extensions for GitHub**.

## Developer Extensions

* [**Clear Cache**]( - A simple extension that clears your browser cache (and optionally history, cookies, etc) with a single click.  I use this extension multiple times per day.
* [Window Resizer]( - Emulate other devices/platforms by quickly resizing your screen.  Chrome Dev Tools offers this functionality too, but this exension can sometimes be a quicker alternative.
* [**ColorPick Eyedropper**]( - Quickly identify the Hex code or RGB values of any color on any webpage simply by hovering over it.
* [**WhatFont**]( - The font equivalent to Colorpicker, this extension allows you to easily identify any font on any webpage simply by hovering over it.
* [**Crouton Integration**]( - Must-have extension if you have a Chromebook rooted to developer mode and have installed Crouton.
* [Code Climate Extension]( - Deeply integrated into the GitHub UI, from showing CodeClimate stats at the top of each repo, to identifying line-specific issues in PR diffs.
* [**JSON Viewer**]( - Prettifies minified JSON responses for easy reading.
* []( - Extension from [Mike Bostock]( that "renders" your gists.

### By Google

* [Chrome Dev Tools Companion]( - An extension to hep you learn the ins and outs of Chrome Dev Tools.
* [**Page Analytics**]( - Displays your Google Analytics data in-page on any website where you've installed Google Analytics.
* [Google Analytics Debugger]( - prints useful page stats to the console by automatically enabling the debug version of the GA script.
* [Tag Assistant]( - Ensure that all your various Google tags are installed correctly and functioning properly.
* [User-Agent Switcher for Chrome]( - Does exactly what the name implies.  Makes it easy to switch user-agent strings with a single click.

### For GitHub

* [GitHub Notifier]( - Shows your GitHub notifications as a Chrome extension badge.
* [**Refined GitHub**]( - Simplifies the GitHub UI and adds a bunch of useful features.
* [Isometric Contributions]( - Allows you to view your GitHub contributions in an Isometric Graph.  Pretty cool and fun!
* [OctoLinker]( - Enables smart navigation between files
* [Builds Tab for GitHub]( - Adds a Builds tab to GitHub
* [Contributors on GitHub]( - Shows information about a user's contributions on GitHub
* [**GitHub Issue Link Status**]( - Colors issue links by their status
* [GitHub Repository Size]( - Shows the size of a repository along the top of the repo (Next to commits, releases, etc)
* [Notifications Preview for GitHub]( - Shows your notifications on hover
* [**Wide GitHub**]( - Expands the GitHub interface to the full width of your browser
* [Twitter for GitHub]( - Shows a user's twitter handle in their GitHub profile
* [Octo Preview]( - Shows live markdown previews underneath issues, PRs, comments, etc
* [GitHub Hovercard]( - Name says it all.  Enhances tooltips throughout GitHub.

 > If you're not satisfied with this list, then checkout the [AWESOME List of GitHub Extensions](

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...码中加入js的。可惜我们没有这个能力。不过幸运的是,chrome的扩展程序可以帮我们做到这件事。GoogleChrome是一个很强大的浏览器,提供了各种各样的插件,大大提升了使用了的效率,比如vimium、honx等。Google在提供这些插件的同... 查看详情