
author author     2022-12-17     105


 > As a reminder, **Greg's Great Guides** are intended for beginners and novice-level programmers only.  Any type of structured engineering education would likely cover all of these topics in year one (or year zero!).
 > However, if you have a genuine interest in technology, and would like to spend your free time learning new stuff and building new things, then these guides are for you!
 > What are you waiting for?  ***Get Going with Greg's Great Guides!***

# Packages, Libraries, Utilities, & Tools

This guide will walk you through the various installation and configuration steps to ensure that your machine is up to snuff.  The packages, libraries, and other tools listed below are simply those that I have found helpful or otherwise valuable.

The list below is by no means comprehensive; you will almost certainly need to install other packages and libraries as you proceed with your bootstrapped technical education.  That being said, I have taken extra caution to ensure that none of these commands will alter your machine's ability to perform its day-to-day operations.  I've also refrained from including any packages or libraries associated with virtual environments, as those tend to have highly machine-specific installation processes.

**TL/DR; All of the commands listed below will not interfere or negatively impact your machine's existing configuration in any way.**

## Applications

Before we head to the terminal, there are four applications you should probably install if you plan on learning more about software development.

* [**Xcode**]( - Apple's IDE for macOS and iOS development
  * Once Xcode is installed, make sure you open it and run it so that you can click "Agree" on all of the various terms & conditions documents
* [**iTerm 2**]( - A user-friendly replacement for Apple's terminal application
* [**Atom**]( - Awesome text editor from [GitHub](
* [Keybase]( - Not required, more of a cool bonus 

Once you have those applications installed and have verified that they are all running smoothly, go ahead and open all four applications.  Now we're ready to go!

 > If you haven't already run through [Greg's Great Guide for your Global Git Config](, you should probably go do that now, then come back here.

## Setup

Before we can begin installing new libraries or packages, we need to make sure we have the necessary tools in place to manage them.

 > I've omitted the usual `$` sign at the beginning of each command so that you can directly copy & paste them into your terminal if you like.

#### [Xcode Command Line Tools](

Ensures that Xcode properly communicates with terminal commands

xcode-select --install

#### [Homebrew](

The missing package manager for macOS.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

## Packages

Now that our setup is complete, let's start installing some useful stuff!

#### `wget`

Utility for easily grabbing stuff from the internet to put on your computer

brew update
brew install wget

#### [`hub`](

Friendly little guy that helps brings GitHub functionality to your terminal.

brew update
brew install hub

#### [`git-flow-avh`](

A library that adds some supercharged commands for Git Flow, as authored by [nvie](

brew update
brew install git-flow-avh

# Before proceeding, make sure to have latest available versions of the applications listed below:
# Xcode -
# iTerm 2 -
# Atom -


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...)。分发打包为可执行文件以便分发。PyInstaller–将Python程序转换成独立的执行文件(跨平台)。dh-virtualenv–构建并将virtualenv虚拟环境作为一个Debian包来发布。Nuitka–将脚本、模块、包编译成可执行文件或扩展模块。py2app–将Py... 查看详情


...)。分发打包为可执行文件以便分发。PyInstaller–将Python程序转换成独立的执行文件(跨平台)。dh-virtualenv–构建并将virtualenv虚拟环境作为一个Debian包来发布。Nuitka–将脚本、模块、包编译成可执行文件或扩展模块。py2app–将Py... 查看详情


...)。分发打包为可执行文件以便分发。PyInstaller–将Python程序转换成独立的执行文件(跨平台)。dh-virtualenv–构建并将virtualenv虚拟环境作为一个Debian包来发布。Nuitka–将脚本、模块、包编译成可执行文件或扩展模块。py2app–将Py... 查看详情


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