多项式程序中的 C++ 动态数组和指针导致退出错误 255

     2023-02-22     296


【中文标题】多项式程序中的 C++ 动态数组和指针导致退出错误 255【英文标题】:C++ Dynamic Arrays and Pointers in Polynomial program causes exit error 255 【发布时间】:2015-11-01 01:29:28 【问题描述】:


poly.exe 已停止工作 一个问题导致程序停止正常工作。如果有可用的解决方案,Windows 将关闭该程序并通知您。

然后 scite 显示退出代码:255

我认为这可能是我用于乘法多边形的双 for 循环中的某些东西,或者是指向系数数组的指针的初始化。但我不知道是什么。我使用的可能如下:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;

struct Poly 
   int degree;
   int *coeff; //array of coefficients from lowest degree to highest degree

//Reads the coefficients of a polynomial from standard input
//Creates a poly struct and returns a pointer to the poly
Poly* readPoly();

//Outputs a polynomial to standard output with the variable x
void outputPoly(const Poly* p, char x);

//Computes the sum of two polynomials and returns
//a pointer to the new poly struct which is their sum
Poly* addPoly(const Poly* a, const Poly* b);

//Computes the product of two polynomials and returns
//a pointer to the new poly struct which is their product
Poly* multPoly(const Poly* a, const Poly* b);

//Returns to the heap the memory allocated for the polynomial
//and sets p to the nullptr
void deletePoly(Poly* &p);

Poly* readPoly() 
   int deg;
   //Read the highest degree
   cout << "Input the degree: ";
   cin >> deg;

   //Handles when the degree is == 0
   if(deg == 0) 
      int *C = new int[deg+1];
      Poly *p;
      p = new Poly;
      p->degree = deg;
      p->coeff = C;
      return p;

   int *C = new int[deg+1];
   //Read the coefficients
   cout << "Input the coefficients: ";
   for(int i = 0; i <= deg; i++) 
      cin >> C[i];

   //Create a new poly structure, assign its fields 
   //and retun a pointer to the new structure
   Poly *p;
   p = new Poly;
   p->degree = deg;
   p->coeff = C;

   return p;

void outputPoly(const Poly* p, char x) 
   //Set the degree and cooefficients to be used in the loop
   int d = p->degree;
   int *C = p->coeff;

   //Output the polynomial, depending on the degree/coeff
   for(int i = 0; i <= d; i++) 

      //if the coeff is zero, and the degree is > 1
      if(C[i] == 0 && i > 0)
         continue; //Skip the +

      //if the degree is 0, and the coeff is 0
      else if(i == 0 && C[i] == 0) 
         cout << C[i];
         continue; //Skip the +

      //if the degree is 0, and the coeff is not 0
      else if(i == 0 && C[i] != 0)
         cout << C[i];

      //if the degree is 1, and the coeff is 0
      else if(C[i] == 0 && i == 1)
         cout << x;

      //if the degree is 1, and the coeff is 1
      else if(C[i] == 1 && i == 1)
         cout << x;

      //if the degree is 0, and the coeff is > 0
      else if(C[i] > 0 && i == 0)
         cout << C[i] << "*" << x;

      //if the coefficient is 1
      else if(C[i] == 1)
         cout << x << "^" << i;

      //if the degree is 1
      else if(i == 1)
         cout << C[i] << "*" << x;

      //any other circumstance
         cout << C[i] << "*" << x << "^" << i;

      //Print a +, as long as it's not the last term
      if(i != d)
         cout << " + ";

void deletePoly(Poly* &p) 
   delete[] p->coeff; //Delete the array first
   delete p; 
   p = nullptr;

const Poly* getLargest(const Poly* a, const Poly* b) 
//Helper function to get the larger polynomial, given two
   if(a->degree > b->degree)
      return a;
      return b;

const Poly* getSmallest(const Poly* a, const Poly* b) 
//Helper function to get the smaller polynomial, given two
   if(a->degree < b->degree)
      return a;
      return b;

Poly* addPoly(const Poly* a, const Poly* b)
   int i, j;

   int *polyOneC = a->coeff;
   int *polyTwoC = b->coeff;

   //The new polynomials degree is the size of the polynomial that is the largest
   int polyThreeD = getLargest(a, b)->degree;
   int *polyThreeC = new int[polyThreeD];

   for(i = 0, j = 0; j <= polyThreeD; i++, j++) 
      //If the polynomials are of different size, 
      //then any coefficent term over the size 
      //of the smaller polynomial degree stays the same
      if(i > getSmallest(a, b)->degree)
         polyThreeC[i] = getLargest(a, b)->coeff[i];
         //Otherwise, just add them
         polyThreeC[i] = polyOneC[j] + polyTwoC[j];
         //"Shifts" if it's equal to zero
         if(polyThreeC[i] == 0)

   //Ensures the remaining terms have a coefficient value(0)
   while(i <= polyThreeD) 
      polyThreeC[i] = 0;

   Poly *sumPoly;
   sumPoly = new Poly;
   sumPoly->degree = polyThreeD;
   sumPoly->coeff = polyThreeC;

   return sumPoly;

Poly* multPoly(const Poly* a, const Poly* b) 

   //Get the degrees and arrays of coefficients
   int polyOneD = a->degree;
   int polyTwoD = b->degree; 

   int *polyOneC = a-> coeff;
   int *polyTwoC = b-> coeff;

   int polyThreeD = polyOneD + polyTwoD; 
   int *polyThreeC = new int[polyThreeD + 1];

   //Initialize the array of coefficients
   for(int i = 0; i <= polyThreeD; i++)
     polyThreeC[i] = 0;

   //Multiple the coeffients and add to the position of the degree
   for(int i = 0; i <= polyOneD; i++) 
      for(int j = 0; j <= polyTwoD; j++) 
            polyThreeC[i + j] += (polyOneC[i] * polyTwoC[j]);

   //Create a new polynomial pointer and return it
   Poly *productPoly;
   productPoly = new Poly;
   productPoly->degree = polyThreeD;
   productPoly->coeff = polyThreeC;
   return productPoly;   

int main() 
   Poly *x = readPoly();
   Poly *y = readPoly();

   //Test the add poly function
   cout << "(";
   outputPoly(x, 'x');
   cout << ")";

   cout << " + ";

   cout << "(";
   outputPoly(y, 'x');
   cout << ")";
   cout << endl;

   //Call addPoly
   Poly *z = addPoly(x, y);

   cout << "= ";
   cout << "(";
   outputPoly(z, 'x');
   cout << ")";

   cout << endl;
   cout << endl;

   //Test the multiply poly function
   cout << "(";
   outputPoly(x, 'x');
   cout << ")";

   cout << " * ";

   cout << "(";
   outputPoly(y, 'x');
   cout << ")";
   cout << endl;

   //Call multPoly
   z = multPoly(x, y);

   cout << "= ";
   cout << "(";
   outputPoly(z, 'x');
   cout << ")";

   cout << endl;

   //Delete the polynomials now that we are done with them

另一件事是每次运行时都不会发生错误,到目前为止,当我输入一个次数为 4 的多项式时,我已经看到了它。与次数为 2 的多项式相反,它可以工作很好。



使用容器应为std::vector,并从此代码中删除所有new。您可能会发现这些错误完全消失了,并且优秀的调试器会检查向量,从而更容易发现问题。 如果您发布一个完整但最小的示例供读者尝试,您可以避免因缺少此类示例而关闭问题。 您是否尝试过使用调试器运行它并单步执行直到出现错误? @DominicMcDonnell 你有推荐的 Windows 调试器吗? 你用什么编译?通常编译器自带一个。 Visual Studio 非常好,并且有免费版本可用。我也用过Code::Blocks,在那个下调试有点差,但还是不错的。 【参考方案1】:

您在 addPoly (polyThreeC) 中分配的系数数组不够大。分配数组时忘记在度数上加一。



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